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Conclusion to the Six Week HGRD Visioning Process

Across the span of six weeks, 24 different Sangat members participated in an HGRD Ashram visioning process and training facilitated by Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur.
June 9th we completed a draft mission statement, vision statement, and core values for Hacienda de Guru Ram Das Ashram & Community. 

We'd like to invite the Sangat to review the drafts and contribute with suggestions. In the near future we hope to hold a mini training and cooperative learning environment to further refine the work of the community members who met, and arrive at a clear mission for who we are and what we do - a statement that represents the heart of Hacienda de Guru Ram Das Ashram and Community and that can be posted publically on our website.

Please stay tuned for an invitation to further development.

Ram Krishan Singh


HGRD 6 Week Visioning Process - Final Draft

Mission Statement

HGRD, the Mother Ashram of Yogi Bhajan's Legacy, is a sacred spiritual family sustainably serving, sharing, living & practicing the Dharmic teachings of the Healthy, Happy, Holy lifestyle within a Sadh Sangat for the evolution of consciousness within our global communities and for the dignity & grace of future generations.


Vision Statement

Living and growing in consciousness as a spiritual family in order to serve a prosperous and sustainable future


Core Values

  • Service

  • Living experience of the Golden Chain

  • Fostering a Culture of Excellent Leadership

  • Kind and Caring Community

  • Inspiration and Motivational Center for the Global Community