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Welcome New Ashram Member

We welcome Atma Chanan Kaur as a new member of our community. She was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina and moved to the United States when she was 18 yrs. old and obtained a Ph.D in Sociology, Migration and Women’s Studies. Service, simplicity and community brought her to the ashram, after having lived in many places around the world. She teaches Kundalini Yoga and Meditation and it's been a dream of hers to share in a community with like-minded, heart-centered, spiritual people coming together for daily practice and growing in the values and virtues of the Soul. She is a writer, community advocate and educator, and has recently been working with the Legacy Garden team. Her belief is that in sharing our prayerful lifestyle and the healthy organic produce we grow here at the ashram are a first step towards making a positive difference in the world.

Read more about her at