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"I'm 10 and I was called a terrorist..."

"My name is Munsimar Kaur and I am 10 years old. I have been listening to SikhNet audio stories for about 8 years as my parents started to play them for me when I was much younger. It’s funny how you do something – like reading, watching the TV or speaking to people, and never know the impact it is having on you. This is how I feel about SikhNet Stories.....

In the summer of 2019, I was at my nanni’s house. We decided to go to the park across the road. There, I was not treated very nicely. There was a group of kids who were playing a game and I asked them if I can play with them. They replied, “No, you cannot play with us because you are a terrorist”. Although this hurt me, I didn't really take any notice and I went back the next day, but it happened again by someone else.
I was heartbroken, so we headed home. That night I talked to my mummy and she talked about women from our history and how powerful we are.

That night I did some reflection, I remembered the SikhNet animation of Saibhang Kaur from "Kaur - A Story of Courage and Equality". She, too, was faced with negativity and used the inspiration of Mai Bhago Kaur for courage and strength. I decided I wanted to be like Saibhang Kaur!
The next day I made a video with my daddy’s help and expressed what happened to me and how others may face such experiences. The video had a big impact and I truly hope it helped others.
SikhNet is important because it gives you examples, often linking to Sikh history and the modern world. SikhNet helps me to grow my Sikhi knowledge; and the best thing about it is you can listen anywhere - in your car on a long journey, or even in bed.
Love From,
Munsimar kaur
Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh!"

Isn't Munsimar Kaur inspiring? She is only 10 years old! 
Giving our children access to information about Sikh history is important on so many levels. Munsimar's story shows us how incredibly valuable things like SikhNet Stories can be for so many!

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