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Yogi Bhajan's Beets and Potatoes

Excerpt from: Enlightened Bodies: Exploring Physical and Subtle Human Anatomy

By Nirmal Lumpkin, LMT and Japa Kaur Khalsa, DOM

Balances Vata and increases Kapha. This recipe is recommended for recovering "junk food addicts" or new vegetarians.

  • 6 potatoes
  • 2 beets
  • 1–2 tablespoons (15-30 ml) peanut oil
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) turmeric
  • 1 cup water (240 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) black salt

Clean beets and potatoes and then steam them for 45 minutes to one hour until both are soft. Once cooled, slip off the skins on the beets but leave potato skins on. Cut the beets and potatoes into bite sized pieces. Put 1–2 tablespoons (15-30 ml) of peanut oil into a frying pan and heat. Add turmeric and sauté for one minute.

Add the beets and potatoes to the pan and stir. Add 1/4–1/2 cup of water (60-120 ml) and mash the potatoes a little bit, letting the color of the beets mix together. Add 1/8–1/4 tsp (1-2 ml) of black salt* to the entire mixture and stir together.

 Serve on toasted pita bread with feta or goat cheese.

*Black salt is a very sulfurous smelling salt that Yogi Bhajan specifically recommended for various health applications. A simple search of “Black Salt” or “Sulfur Salt” as he sometimes called it, in the online database of his teachings, The Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings™ ( will turn up many examples.
